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Our customer is a leading manufacturer and distributor of diagnostic imaging and imaging modalities (CT Scanners, MRIs, Ultrasounds).

Medical Devices


The customer wanted us to automate testing of their CT application that runs on Linux. The application used Java, C++ and Xmotif technology and has a legacy of 20+ years. The application did not support testability.


We automated testing for scan setting, across various protocols for different anatomical regions. From setting up the patient’s information, patient type, to selecting a Protocol to Admin tools (Protocol management, Scanner utilities, service, daily preparation), Exam Rx (Patient schedule, patient screen, scout and series scanning), Image works (Data apps, tools, job management) and acquiring the actual scan to closing the exam and viewing the images – everything was covered.
algoQA was enhanced to test for scan setting in particular, and also to test applications that don’t provide element IDs. Feature files along with datasets were auto-generated.
Our algoAF module, produced Python-Squish and Python SikuliX test scripts that were readily executable.


Our test automation efforts helped the customer speeding testing cycle time, while keeping quality of the Medical Devices intact.

Here are the benefits delivered to the client:

  • With 64 protocols covered, 2,619 Sanity test cases, 18,530 test steps along with datasets that were platform generated using algoQA
  • A close to 100% (98%) mapping of generated test cases to the existing test cases was achieved
  • With User Defined Fields and User Defined Features, keeping pace with the changes in the application was now very easy

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We are here to show you how algoQA works

Get in touch with us for a free demo and talk to us on how we can seamlessly integrate test automation for your application.

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