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top 4 trends in test automation

Top 4 Trends in Test Automation for 2022-23

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Top 4 Trends in Test Automation for 2022-23

Globally people downloaded more than 230 billion mobile apps in 2021. Consumers spend an average of USD 4.95 on mobile apps in Q2 in the USA. These data highlight significance of apps in the lives of people.

Therefore, developer teams work round the clock to make software glitch-free and minimise downtime. People need effective solutions in less time through buffering-free UI. It requires innovative and effective software testing methods based on AI, ML, auto-healing, and more.

There is a high demand for faster and more efficient apps. Organisations are building glitch-free apps.

But what’s next?

What are the latest trends in the ever-changing software testing industry?

We will explain the six top trends in test automation in the following sections. These latest trends with innovation at their core will define the future course of test automation and how we experience web and mobile applications.

Trends in Test Automation 2022-2023

If you want a product that does not fail your end-users, these trends are a must-have for your organisation. Stay through the passage and apply for a successful test automation and application launch.

  • Extensive Automation with AI, ML, and more

AI and ML are already helping to find bugs and automate manual functions. Their roles are continued to remain strong and will further rise in the coming future.

Organisations around the world are investing extensively in automation technologies, and these innovative solutions will lead the way for smart test execution and results analysis.

Automation testing allows QA and Programmers to review and authenticate test results effectively and in minimum time. It minimises human errors, delays due to the manual part of the test, and saves time & money.

It increases confidence and assesses load capacity with practical tests. Latest innovations are making automation testing easier for DevOps and QA teams. 

  • Low-Code/No-Code Automation

Platforms offering low-code/no-code automation services have democratised the software testing industry.

Advantages of LCNC

Cost-efficient and Productive

You don’t need to write test automation scripts and develop a framework for testing. Codeless testing reduces expenses.

Developers need not to compromise on system productivity. Manual engineers can also automate.

Fewer Maintenance Calls and Extended Test Coverage

LCNC for automation improves efficiency and reduces the need to maintain frequently. It becomes easy to expand software testing coverage.

Shared Automation Solutions

Software professionals can learn from flows developed by other developers and testers. It makes the process easy to understand, removes obstacles, and starts working on the testing script faster.

 Faster Development Cycle

Your team can start test automation quickly after the UI edits are complete. The LCNC is easy to understand and execute. It saves time and money involved in the development.

  • In-sprint Automation

In-sprint automation is teamwork to automate the software testing of business requirements in the same sprint in which they have been created. The process of automaton does not leave any backlog and ensures functionality is delivered in-time.

It is an efficient automation trend where every sprint the regression suite is updated with the new automation scripts. In-sprint automation is a collaborative effort of QA, BA, Scrum Master, and Development teams.

  • BA team define granular stories ready for testing and development within the same sprint.
  • The development team use automated unit tests to develop and unit test the code.
  • QA team create parallel cases for test automation.

Advantages of In-sprint Automation

  • No automation backlogs and software testing for the product is possible anytime
  • Tests automation as soon as software developed
  • Reduces delays and ensures maximum returns on investments
  • In-sprint automation ensures a shift-left approach to testing
  • Teamwork, efficient production, and glitch-free product delivery
  • End to End Test Automation covering UI, API, and Microservices

E2E automation testing is an innovative method to conduct software testing from beginning to end. It is a flawless process. End to End Test Automation recreates real-world scenarios to authenticate the process for data integrity and integration.

E2E automation testing assesses the performance of the application from the user’s perspective. It diagnoses problem areas and resolves them during the Software Development Life Cycle.

End to End Software Testing mechanism covers all the microservices in the target software. It uses

the same user interfaces that end users will use with a combination of API and UI tests. 

Advantages of E2E Automation Testing

  • E2E test automation saves time, and development expenses, and provides accurate product/s
  • Test and ensure glitch-free application completely
  • Optimised tests to ensure the product that fulfils end-user’s expectations or UX
  • Customer focussed products for successful business 

However, some people criticise End to End Test Automation for being time-consuming. They prefer Low Code No Code Automation for less time, cost, and minimum risk of errors.

You can explore algoQA and decide on the best automation testing for your next project.

 Benefits of Choosing algoQA

  • algoQA from AlgoShack is equipped with the latest features for modern-age automation testing and efficient result analysis.
  • algoQA provides artificial intelligence and machine learning for advanced test automation solutions.
  • algoQA forecasts every test case about whether the test cases are likely to pass or fail.
  • Single platform for API Test Automation, Load Automation, and UI-Based Functional Test Automation
  • Automation script for web apps, mobile apps, hybrid apps, embedded software, and robotic process
  • Machine-generated thousands of easy-to-execute test scripts and test cases

Learn and explore more at and contact us for a demo today. Leap into the modern age of software testing with algoQA and produce glitch-free and bug-free applications for target users.

Click here to try FREE version of algoQA
