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AlgoShack Newsletter – 2021

AlgoShack Newsletter – 2021

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Hi there! Lets start with AlgoShack Newsletter – 2021

2020 has been one of the most unique years of the recent past. Yearly templates were made to change, working styles took a shake and it gave us perspectives to everything in life. While it taught us that change is pertinent, it also made us flexible as well as resilient at the same time. For us at AlgoShack, we focused on embracing the change, concentrating on quality, bringing in stability and then letting the product talk for itself.

Here is an update on our Product and Market progress with a completion of a month of 2021.

AlgoShack Newsletter – 2021 Product Success

AlgoShack Newsletter – 2021
algoQA v3.0 is out. Here are the highlights from our latest release:

  • algoQA provides the Auto-build UI Users can now standup new nodes on their own. You can auto-build any node on the go! No coding skills required. With this, nodes will remain intuitive and tests are readable irrespective of the domain.
  • Unlike many test automation products providing record and play, algoQA moves a notch up with its Follow Me feature that can help create any scenario of your choice even when the application is not ready. This is in addition to the auto test scenario generation capability.
  • It is now a unified platform covering UI Based Functional Test Automation, API Test Automation and Load Test Automation, and covers Web Applications, Desktop Applications, Mobile Apps, Hybrid Applications, Robotic Process Automation and Embedded Software.
  • algoQA now supports Java-Selenium Web Driver, Java-Selenium Grid, JavaScript-Protractor, and C#-FlaUI scripts in addition to existing support for scripting languages.
  • algoQA also supports integration of API calls, DB queries, and Linux commands within UI test automation.
  • algoQA supports CLI processes automation in addition to API test automation.
  • No further customization of the platform is required. It is highly scalable across domains

With algoQA, Anyone Can Automate Testing. A fresh graduate using algoQA is more efficient than an experienced automation engineer following the traditional approach.

Read more about these features on our algoQA page.

 AlgoShack Newsletter – 2021 Market Success

2020 saw success in the market across verticals of Digital Commerce, Medical Devices, Project Management, Edutech, Airlines, CRM, IoT and more. We have helped clients reduce test automation cycle time by 80%. Clients also saw Test Automation costs saved by a whopping 80%. Let’s take a peek into the benefits our clients achieved with algoQA:

  • algoQA was leveraged to test a CT application exhaustively for scan settings, across various protocols for different anatomical regions. Our Machine generated Test Cases followed a structure preventing inconsistencies in testing, thus ensuring a high-quality product for our client. Read the case study
  • To automate testing of a CT application that runs on Linux, algoQA was leveraged for WW-WL and Sanity. Read the case study
  • With algoQA, automated testing of identified scenarios for a CT software application to significantly improve velocity of automated testing. Within a month 300 scenarios were automated and removed the need for paid licenses.
  • algoQA was leveraged to automate testing for a Linux based ECG application. All the ECG modules were covered.
  • For an advance radiology application, with algoQA, test automation covered the Sanity and Regression Test Suite:

Even with 95% UI changes in the application, it took only half a day to get the scripts updated for the new               version of the application.
.  Dockerized the test scripts for parallel execution resulting in a sanity test suite taking 7 minutes and                             regression suite about 20 minutes for one cycle of execution.

  • For an advance radiology application, to achieve superior test coverage and increase test accuracy and testing productivity, Functional tests, Serviceability, Resilience, Security and exploratory tests were automated using algoQA.
  • algoQA was leveraged to automate testing of an Infrastructure Monitoring tool used to monitor hospitals. The project involved UI based functional automation including verification using DB and SSH/SVN queries and verification of YML files.
  • algoQA was also leveraged, to automate testing of an application that uses the IoT concept to connect Medical Devices covering sanity, regression, and component testing. Automation covered UI Based functional tests that included DB integration using Postgres SQL and API calls for verification purposes.
  • For a leading global Fashion and Lifestyle brand, AlgoShack automated catalogue management for 11 of their brands across a number of marketplaces.
  • For a large global sportswear brand, algoQA was leveraged to automate testing that included identifying discrepancies between Product Description Page and Product Listing Page for more than 10K products on internal and external marketplaces.
  • For a large Project Management Software, near 100% test coverage through automation was achieved, leveraging algoQA
  • For a Lifestyle brand, algoQA automated testing for their international m-site such that you can test for different countries using the same scripts.

3 Years and more to go…

We completed 3 years this year. It has been a fulfilling journey, from platform development to building a team of 50+ passionate people. algoQA has stabilised and we feel proud to have built a unified platform that caters to UI based functional test automation, API test automation and Load testing. Our use cases range from Digital Commerce to Medical Devices, Project Management, EduTech, Airlines, and the CRM domain and also cover functionality, serviceability, resilience, performance and security. We believe that we are removing experience biases. Our teams and working styles reflect this – Younger can be “experienced” and older can be “energetic”! Age is a number!

With algoQA, anyone can automate testing! Request for a demo.
